Some major Benefits of advertising are:

(1) It helps in introducing the new products in market,

(2) It helps in expansion of the market,

(3) it increase sales,

(4) helps fights competition,

(5) enhances and improve good-will,

(6) let the customers know about the products

(7) it eliminates the middlemen,

(8) Generate products with better quality,

(9) Helps in supporting the salesmanship,

(10) generate employment opportunities,

The benefits of advertising are many and It is considered as the most important process of the marketing process. You can try Orangelablel Art + Advertising in order to get the best results.

traditional advertising

This is very important to manufacturers, consumers, traders and society. Advertising provides the following types of advantages.

(1) Introduce everything about New Product in the Market:

Advertising plays a vital role in explaining about any new product in the market. It also encourage the people to purchase or recommend the product.

(2) Helps in Expansion of the Market:

It helps the manufacturer to expand the market. It also helps in exploring about the new markets and also in retaining the existing markets.

(3) Increased Sales:

Advertisement helps in facilitating the mass production and also helps in increasing the volume of sales. Which also means that, sales can easily be increased by spending some more money on advertising, this will also helps in decreasing selling expenses.

(4) Fights Competition:

Advertising is really helpful in meeting competition that is goin on in the market. A regular advertisement is very essential in saving the product from the competitors.

(5) Enhances Good-Will:

When it comes to Goodwill, advertisement plays a vital role. It helps in introducing the manufacturer and their product to the consumers. Regular advertising and good quality of products will bring more reputation for the manufacturer and it will also enhance the goodwill for the concern.

(6) Educates The Consumers:

Advertising is usually considered as educational and dynamic. It educates the customers about the products and help people to know more things about the product.

(7) Elimination of Middlemen:

It helps in establishing the direct link between the consumer and the maufacturer, and thus eliminating the marketing the mediator or the middlemen. This helps in increasing the sales and so the profit of the manufacturer and since the profit of the middlemen is negligible the consumer gets the products at reasonable lower prices.

(8) Better Quality Products:

Different goods are advertised under several brand names. If the reputation of the brand is good the product also assures a good quality to the consumers. This is the reason why the manufacturer always try to provides quality goods to the consumers.