You may have heard the term “employee engagement” but are you aware of what it’s all about? For those out there who aren’t, it’s a modern procedure through which an employee builds positive social and emotional connections with an employer. This kind of business management technique, actively promotes employee involvement via a range of initiatives. They can include education and training courses, team building exercises, and offer employees with performance-based incentives like bonuses or enhanced recognition.
Employee engagement programmes operate under the idea that engaged employees will be more productive and therefore help in the development of more profit for the company. If the employee is working for a non-profit organisation, with the same assumption, engaged workers will be more involved in furthering the goals of the company.
Social Psychology and Being On Board
Nowadays, social psychology is an area where more than ever before, workers are positively attempting to engage their employees. Training programmes are usually seen as an effective method of encouraging employee engagement and can be carried out in an interactive group setting where talk and staff engagement surveys are allowed to take place. This type of team building has become yet another modern method used in promoting employee engagement.
If an employee is new, then the engagement is termed “on boarding”, which means taking someone on board in a way that he or she can rapidly feel like a team member, and not a new outsider. An engaged employee can bring numerous benefits to a company, which include better public relations, because such workers can voluntarily assume the part of a diplomat on behalf of the management.
Being Individual and a Team Player
Communication strategies used in employee engagement, can venture all the way from individualised directions and mentoring, to sophisticated team-building events that may include physical activities, such as getting over obstacles. This type of strategy is believed to be transformative in forming new relationships, as people who complete these tasks will then feel a stronger sense of group bonding.
These days, weekend retreats and charity events are utilised to engage employees also. Things such as inspiring groups of workers to go and volunteer to work at a soup kitchen, for example, can help to create the dual purposes of initiating a true sense of pride in the team for doing a really great deed, and also obtaining social capital for the employee within the company.
Contemporary and Future Methods
As employees are taking on this type of theory, employers can use a type of management that instils in workers the belief that they feel a lot closer to their work, much the same as an employer would regard their own work. Rewards can frequently be employed in an effort to boost such an attitude, but should not always be via financial incentives, but can include public accolades through media releases or given honours at public ceremonies.
Like it or not, employee engagement will be around for the unforeseeable future!